Monthly Archives: November 2012

Why Libertarians must vote Romney

I will take a stab at this even though you probably won’t like my answer. Libertarianism is focused on civil liberty. I like many people feel strongly about my individual rights. The problem is that Libertarianism is more a political philosophy than a working model for government. Civil liberty is only one element of a government model. I am not sure about over the course of history but least in modern times there has never been a “Libertarian” country that I am aware of. 

America is a republic. Our republic is an attempt as evidenced by our founders to take the best of a variety of government models and merge them into one. We have elements of democracy and libertarianism that have been incorporated into our republic. The three branches of government combined with the Constitution were designed to protect our civil liberties. As we all know our republic and the civil liberties that Americans used to enjoy have been hijacked. Too much freedom in the eyes of most modern day politicians is bad because it takes away their control. 

So now for the answer to the question; why Libertarians should vote for Romney?  If you believe in all you espouse; you have to vote for Romney. 

 Here’s why – we need to buy time. Surely you do not believe that Romney is the militant that Obama is where it comes to government regulation or government control. He is also not a progressive socialist. It’s true that he (Romney) may turn out to be another new world order guy like the Bushes but he loves the country enough to not sell us out to Putin once he has “more flexibility”. 

Here are a few other things to consider: 

There will likely be one or two Supreme Court appointments in the next four years. Do you really want Obama making any of these appointments? Here is a scary thought – Eric Holder or Tony West as a nominee. 

Obama will push for further reduction of our nuclear capabilities to level the field and reduce our power internationally. I am pretty sure Romney won’t. 

Obama will sign us on to more U.N. treaties that will continue to erode our national sovereignty. Think – L.O.S.T. Treaty and the U.N. Small Arms Treaty for starters not to mention some form of international income tax. 

Romney will help us slow down, maybe even help us avoid economic collapse. Obama is intent on redistribution and economic destruction of individual wealth. At least we know that he is a capitalist. 

To quote Minnesotan Mitch Berg, “All the principle in the world does you no good if you are standing in soup line, if the government has confiscated your guns and branded you a terrorist for stockpiling food with the blessing of the Supreme Court. The vast majority of the people will sell the Rights of Man down the river for a pack of cigarettes, a bottle of booze or a bowl of gruel.” 

I like most people, I am tired of holding my nose and voting; but what choice do we have? The question remains when are we going to do something about the real problem? We can’t wait to get worked up once every 4 years and bitch about the choices. We need to change things at the local and state level starting Nov. 7th and work every day for the next 4 years to change our course.  It is time for all high minded, philosophical Libertarians to get involved on a daily basis and work for the change you desire. We must start taking our country and our liberty back from self-interested politicians. But first we have to buy time. Don’t waste your vote on a meaningless statement we need to slow down the progressives now. 

“The saddest epitaph which can be carved in memory of a vanished liberty is that it was lost because its possessors failed to stretch forth a saving hand while yet there was time.” Justice George Sutherland, Constitutional Defender 1938 

Wake Up, America! Restore the Republic by Rejecting Socialism and the Progressive Agenda!

The Jobs Spin

Watch this and then read below!

A few thoughts that will make you question the government jobs spin:

First the stats on 11/02/08:
Officially unemployed = 10,563,275 Actual unemployed* = 13,558,658
Food Stamps Recipients = 32,659,311

Compared to the stats today:
Officially unemployed = 11,992,107 Actual unemployed* = 22,645,113
Food Stamps Recipients = 47,109,282* = includes those who have given up

So in summary we are being told that the percentage of unemployment based only on the official number is within 0.1% (7.9% vs. 7.8%) of where it was when Obama took office. There are 2 problems with this misrepresentation. First the number does not include those who have given up. Second, the economy is growing so slow and families have lost so much that people are retiring at a slower rate plus new graduates are entering the workforce faster than they can be absorbed. So forget the percentage 22 million people need work – twice as many as when Obama took office. Time for a new strategy!!

Wake up America! Restore the Republic, Reject Socialism