Tag Archives: Uncommon Sense

Hollywood Gun Hypocrisy

Love this remake of a recent anti -gun ad by a bunch of Hollywood hypocrites. Guns are less of a problem than the people who glorify murder and violence through movies, TV, video games and music. However we dont like to talk about the country’s morale deacay, its easier to blame it on the guns. What should really gall us is the fact that the very group making a fortune off this culture of violence are the ones lecturing us. Our 2nd Amendment right to bear arms is being threatened by the very same people who would use the 1st Amendment for freedom of speech to defend their right to produce a violent, drug and sex filled movie. They are all a bunch of shameless hypocrites!! Maybe it’s time consider whose “art” we want to support in the future. After all if they won’t support our rights maybe it’s time to quit “supporting” theirs.

Wake up, America! Reject the Progressive Left!

Why Libertarians must vote Romney

I will take a stab at this even though you probably won’t like my answer. Libertarianism is focused on civil liberty. I like many people feel strongly about my individual rights. The problem is that Libertarianism is more a political philosophy than a working model for government. Civil liberty is only one element of a government model. I am not sure about over the course of history but least in modern times there has never been a “Libertarian” country that I am aware of. 

America is a republic. Our republic is an attempt as evidenced by our founders to take the best of a variety of government models and merge them into one. We have elements of democracy and libertarianism that have been incorporated into our republic. The three branches of government combined with the Constitution were designed to protect our civil liberties. As we all know our republic and the civil liberties that Americans used to enjoy have been hijacked. Too much freedom in the eyes of most modern day politicians is bad because it takes away their control. 

So now for the answer to the question; why Libertarians should vote for Romney?  If you believe in all you espouse; you have to vote for Romney. 

 Here’s why – we need to buy time. Surely you do not believe that Romney is the militant that Obama is where it comes to government regulation or government control. He is also not a progressive socialist. It’s true that he (Romney) may turn out to be another new world order guy like the Bushes but he loves the country enough to not sell us out to Putin once he has “more flexibility”. 

Here are a few other things to consider: 

There will likely be one or two Supreme Court appointments in the next four years. Do you really want Obama making any of these appointments? Here is a scary thought – Eric Holder or Tony West as a nominee. 

Obama will push for further reduction of our nuclear capabilities to level the field and reduce our power internationally. I am pretty sure Romney won’t. 

Obama will sign us on to more U.N. treaties that will continue to erode our national sovereignty. Think – L.O.S.T. Treaty and the U.N. Small Arms Treaty for starters not to mention some form of international income tax. 

Romney will help us slow down, maybe even help us avoid economic collapse. Obama is intent on redistribution and economic destruction of individual wealth. At least we know that he is a capitalist. 

To quote Minnesotan Mitch Berg, “All the principle in the world does you no good if you are standing in soup line, if the government has confiscated your guns and branded you a terrorist for stockpiling food with the blessing of the Supreme Court. The vast majority of the people will sell the Rights of Man down the river for a pack of cigarettes, a bottle of booze or a bowl of gruel.” 

I like most people, I am tired of holding my nose and voting; but what choice do we have? The question remains when are we going to do something about the real problem? We can’t wait to get worked up once every 4 years and bitch about the choices. We need to change things at the local and state level starting Nov. 7th and work every day for the next 4 years to change our course.  It is time for all high minded, philosophical Libertarians to get involved on a daily basis and work for the change you desire. We must start taking our country and our liberty back from self-interested politicians. But first we have to buy time. Don’t waste your vote on a meaningless statement we need to slow down the progressives now. 

“The saddest epitaph which can be carved in memory of a vanished liberty is that it was lost because its possessors failed to stretch forth a saving hand while yet there was time.” Justice George Sutherland, Constitutional Defender 1938 

Wake Up, America! Restore the Republic by Rejecting Socialism and the Progressive Agenda!

The Ad Romney Should be Running

If the Romney campaign wants to blow Obama out of the water the simplest way to do it might be to simply take these two videos, edit them together and run it over and over in prime time followed by a simple question: “What Does He Mean?”

Wake Up, America! 4 more years of this type of fundamental change and you will no longer recognize your country.

Restore the Republic! Reject Socialism while there is still time.

“The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government – lest it come to dominate our lives and interests.” – Patrick Henry

Obama… the numbers don’t Lie!

So here are some stats to help you when you are discussing the election with your undecided friends. These are the facts and the numbers don’t lie. It doesn’t take a CPA to figure out if something doesn’t change quickly we are headed for an economic collapse. The tipping point is already on the horizon…

The Economy, Jobs & Taxes:

America’s Rank in Global Business Competitiveness: Before BO #1 Currently #7 (Source: US News & World Report)

Current National Debt – $16.2 Trillion   (Source: US Treasury)

New Debt Added Since Obama was elected – $5.5 Trillion  (Source: US Treasury)

Your share of the National Debt – $51,419 (Source: US Treasury)

Increase in your share since Obama took office – $17,554 (Source: US Treasury)

Federal Budget Deficits – 2 highest in history: 2009 – $1.416 Trillion & 2011 – $1.298 Trillion respectively (Source: CBO)

Proposed Tax Increases in Obama’s Proposed Budget – $1.9 Trillion (Source: OMB)

New Taxes Hidden in Obamacare – $810 Billion (Source: CBO)

Medicare cuts in Obamacare: $716 Billion (Source: CBO)

# of people Officially Unemployed: 12.014 Million (Source: US Labor Dept.)

# of people Unemployed, Underemployed or have given up – 22.728 Million (Source: US Labor Dept.)

The real Unemployment Rate: 14.7% (Source: US Labor Dept.)

# of people Unemployed More than 27 weeks: 5.0 Million (Source: US Labor Dept.)

Consecutive Months of Unemployment over 8% – 43 (Source: US Labor Dept.)

Pages of new Federal Regulations since Obama took office: 11,327 (Source: Federal Register)

Healthcare, Food, Gas & Education:

Avg. Increase in the cost of a family health plan since Obama took office: $3,065 or 24.2%  (Source: The Kaiser Foundation)

# of people on Food Stamps: 47,025,030 (Source: US Dept. of Agriculture)

Avg. increase in cost of Groceries for a family of 4: 5.15%  (Source: US Dept. of Agriculture)

Increase in the price of gas: 106%  up from $1.89 to $3.89 per gallon (Source: US Dept. of Transportation)

Avg. Increase for In-State Tuition since Obama took office: 25% (Source: The college Board)

So there you have it. The numbers speak for themselves. We can’t afford to keep spending at these levels and increasing taxes stunts growth while killing jobs. We saw the same trends during the Carter Administration. Reagan corrected the problem by managing down the size of government and cutting taxes to stimulate growth. We rode that wave all the way through the Clinton Administration. We can do it again but not with a president that is more interested in “redistribution” than growth and creating opportunity.

Wake up, America! Reject Socialism and Restore the Republic!

“If we can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people, under the pretence of taking care of them, they must become happy” – Thomas Jefferson

Change the Conversation… it’s the wasteful spending, stupid!

“We don’t have a trillion-dollar debt because we haven’t taxed enough; we have a trillion dollar debt because we spend too much.” – Ronald Reagan

Truer words have never been spoken. Why is this so hard for politicians to understand? Probably because they are politicians not businessmen. It is time for America to look itself in the mirror and decide what kind of country we want to have – a government run “nanny state” where individual freedom and success is “sacrificed” for the “greater good” or an America that allows individual success to be rewarded and a government that follows its’ constitutional role?

The ongoing debate between the Republicans and Democrats has become exhausting. The never ending media coverage of the bickering is enough to disenfranchise most Americans but what is worse is the out of touch tone of the debate. Republicans want to reduce taxes and cut spending. The Democrats want to keep spending and raise taxes on the “rich”.

Also let’s not forget those “Patriotic Millionaires” they want their taxes raised – I guess they feel guilty about their success. But why do we need to raise their taxes? They can give as much as they want – just add a check box to the tax form for anyone who wants to pay more just like we have for the presidential campaign fund.

Here is the real bottom line – everyone is missing the real opportunity. Before we even start worrying about what programs to change, eliminate or whose benefits to cut, let’s first focus on the waste from inefficiency and fraud that we know exists at every level of the federal government. Too simple? Maybe but remember there probably hasn’t been a serious attempt at operational efficiency or cost control in Washington in the last 100 years. In business this is part of a never ending cycle to stay competitive or perish. However, the government has no competition so there is no imperative to be financially prudent. We have all heard the stories of agencies spending their full budget every year to avoid having it reduced.

Is there anyone out there that doubts that in a bureaucracy the size of the federal government there is not significant waste that could be reduced WITHOUT cutting into the core entitlements and services currently being offered? But do you hear politicians or bureaucrats talking about this – of course not!

So let’s try a little math. Let’s assume an annual federal budget of $3.7 trillion and for sake of argument, let’s say we could find 15% waste due to operating inefficiency, sloppy procurement practices and fraud. This hardly seems like a reach but the result would be a spending reduction of $555 billion off the original $3.7 trillion. The President could make such a demand of all government agencies by simply telling his cabinet that he is holding them responsible for the performance of their departments. After all aren’t government employees supposed to be professionals in their various fields of employment? Shouldn’t they be held accountable to a standard of performance similar to that of employees in private industry? If these workers would like to change the stereotype of government employees, one would think that they would embrace this challenge! Also this should become an annual challenge just like in private business, every year we build additional cost reduction and efficiency gains into our operating budgets, why shouldn’t the government do the same?

“Government does not have a revenue problem; government has a spending problem. Government does not have a revenue problem; government has a priority problem. It is time that we begin to fine tune our focus and decide what the priority of government ought to be.” – Marsha Blackburn

Unfortunately, part of the problem with this is it would result in a reduction of the federal workforce. This would be fought tooth and nail by the various unions that represent government employees. It would take courage and leadership for our senior leaders (both Democrats and Republicans) to go after these savings because there would be negative political consequences. But the truth is they are not in office to protect government jobs. By the way these jobs are a drag on the federal budget not a revenue generator so our leaders should be driving efficient operations to free up money for meeting our national needs. This approach doesn’t even begin to address other opportunities such as consolidation of redundant services, elimination of programs that are no longer valid or reform of entitlement programs and the tax code.

“No government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size. Government programs, once launched, never disappear. Actually, a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we’ll ever see on this earth!” – Ronald Reagan

So before we start talking about which programs to eliminate, whose benefits to reduce or whose taxes to raise, let’s start with the most basic of fiscal responsibilities; let’s manage the beast that is the federal budget just like a successful private company would. Let’s focus on operating efficiency, good procurement practices and reducing fraud. After all, this seems like a $555 billion opportunity that all sides should be able to agree on.

Wake up, America! We are being scammed by the politicians. It is time to hold them accountable. They must eliminate waste, inefficiency and fraud before they cut benefits or raise taxes. Let’s change the conversation – contact your representatives and let them know we are on to them. We want accountable action and we want it now.

Restore the Republic, Reject politics as usual!

“Governments don’t reduce deficits by raising taxes on the people; governments reduce deficits by controlling spending and stimulating new wealth.” – Ronald Reagan

To see more specifics on ways to attack the deficit, see my earlier blog – How to Balance the Federal Budget, http://wp.me/pv8jP-mQ

Millions of US Tax $$ Repair Foreign Mosques

This is unbelievable! $770 million dollars in U.S. taxpayer funds are being used to save mosques overseas. No further comment is required watch this video…


Taxpayers vs. Unionized Government Workers – Defining Fair

The current uproar in Wisconsin has brought to the forefront the inequities of the ongoing economic crisis in the U.S. Yes, I said ongoing because despite a few improved economic indicators there is still massive unemployment and more U.S. families on food stamps than ever before.

Yet through this entire economic mess the least affected group has been unionized government workers. For example, the average union government employee pays less than 10% of their annual health insurance cost while in the private sector the average is over 25%. Nationally, union workers in both state and local government jobs earn approximately 45% more in total compensation than workers in the private sector.

It is estimated that the tab for the unfunded liabilities created by these government union contracts now exceed $3 trillion.

In the private sector during this time we have seen massive lay-offs, wage and benefit reductions or freezes. While in the public sector contractual wage and benefit increases hum along even though the economic conditions no longer support them.

The problem with the public unions at the state and local levels is simple to understand. The unions help elect the politicians that ultimately become their “bosses”. They make large campaign contributions and use their influence to rally union members to vote for candidates that they can count on to cooperate with them in future negotiations. The Center for Responsive Politics estimated that in the recent elections, public sector unions contributed over $20 million to candidates as well as another $90 million to the political parties. Over 90% of that has gone to the Democrats.

Meanwhile back in Wisconsin, the average teacher earns $77,857 per year (including benefits). Compare that to the median household income in Wisconsin which is only $50,000 and many households have more than one wage earner.

Over the past three years government employees have not experienced the erosion in their standard of living that rest of the workforce has had to endure. Public sector employees must come to grips with the fact that their real employers, the taxpayers, will not continue to fund a lifestyle that indemnifies them from the national economic reality.

As states and local governments try to cut costs in a tough economy, the unions are facing a rising backlash against their pay, benefits and pensions.

Wisconsin is not alone in looking at aggressive changes to their relationship with unionized government workers. Other states (MI, IN, OH, TN, NY, NJ, ID, IA) are also looking at a variety of strategies to try to control union labor costs.

Some examples are:

Limiting their collective bargaining to base pay excluding benefits and some work rules

Aligning maximum raises to the Consumer Price Index

Requiring higher levels of contributions toward pensions

Requiring higher levels of contributions toward healthcare

Eliminating excessive fringe benefits (such as Viagra coverage)

These measures are not designed to eliminate the unions but rather to level the playing field. It gives the taxpayers and elected officials ability to negotiate in a more equitable manner with unions that control essential services. It seems we are tired of having a gun to our head.

What has developed is a death match between the old guard of the Democrats, organized labor and the new guard of the Republicans, small government, fiscal conservatives. In the end Americans want fairness, equity and fiscal responsibility from their government. The resentment toward public sector unions has been building for some time now. Taxpayers are fed up their taxes being squandered on union contracts for public employees that do not reflect the reality of the private sector job market. It isn’t like most people associate government employees with service and performance excellence as a whole.

It is time to end the excessive influence and continue appeasement of these unions over state and local governments. This influence for years has been the fuel for backroom deals, corruption. The result is economic crisis at the state and local government level across the nation with dozens of states teetering on the edge of bankruptcy.

Wake up, America! It’s time to face reality and make the changes necessary to save our country. We must end the circular relationship between unionized government employees and the politicians they help to elect!

To read more, check out these articles:



How to Reduce Federal Spending

Now that republicans and conservatives have taken control of the House of Representatives, the air waves are filled with debate on how they will fulfill all their campaign promises regarding the economy. The biggest questions focus on their ability to reduce the deficit without raising taxes. Most commentators act as if this is impossible but here is a newsflash for the media as well as Washington – it can be done!

There are two big problems for the republicans – first, they only control one house of Congress and second, they have no direct control at the department level – that belongs to the President.

All that said, if either side was serious about fixing this problem and salvaging the economic future for the next generation they could work together because together they have the ability to do it. The truth is the solution is so simple politicians can’t seem to see it.

Here are 10 very simple, time tested methods used in the business world that if applied to government would fix the economy, create jobs and bring spending under control:

1. Run the government as if it were a for profit business. This means it must be a model of cost control and operational efficiency.

2. Declare an across the board 10-15% budget reduction in every department and agency in the federal government – period, no exceptions. Since this has never been done it should be easy the first year. We know there is a ton of waste in the way the government operates. We do this (set a reduction target) every year at the company I work for and every year we find more areas to improve or fine tune. This should be an annual ritual for the government, too. It’s called continuous improvement.

3. Declare that budget reductions can not be met by simply reducing services to citizens. Evaluate all service offerings to determine if they even fall within the constitutional scope of the federal government, if not eliminate them. Let the states provide the things that they should provide. Also we should sunset all agencies which have outlived their usefulness.

4. Declare budget reductions can not be met by cutting core entitlement programs such as Social Security and Medicare. The recipients shouldn’t lose their benefits to allow uncessary spending to continue, the government should be forced to eliminate waste first.

5. Eliminate all “nice to have” spending. In government just like private industry there are “nice to haves” that will not affect the quality of services provided if they were delayed or eliminated all together. These should not be credited toward the 15% reduction requirement. All eliminated “nice to haves” should come right off the top.

6. Consolidation of operations, workforce reduction and outsourcing should be considered. How many buildings, vehicles, people, etc. could be eliminated without changing the quality of services provided? The size of the government’s footprint is incredible. How much money could be brought in by selling off excess assets? How much manpower could be eliminated through improved processes, systems and automation?

7. Evaluate all discretionary spending. Examples: Review all foreign aid programs. Review the need for all foreign military bases. Get out of the business of “funding research” instead create incentives to stimulate research in the private sector.

8. Hold the management accountable. Where else in America do managers get to ask for larger and larger budgets each year while delivering such pathetic results? Why shouldn’t there be a culture that challenges these managers to do more with less? The taxpayers are their “shareholders” so where is our shareholder value proposition? It is simple – make the managers manage.

9. Cut government wages to align with industry average wages for comparable private sector jobs. Realign government benefits and retirement programs to those in the private sector.

10. Negotiate lower prices from all vendors and suppliers. Tell all suppliers that the government must lower costs and that they must lower their prices to retain business. This happens all the time in the private sector.

Last and not least there is the nasty business of generating government income to fund the things which are necessary such as infrastructure, homeland security and national defense. We must cut base tax rates for business to stimulate investment and job growth. Creating business growth builds a larger tax base and job growth creates more individual taxpayers.

We must also either lower income tax rates for individuals or better yet scrap the progressive income tax model in favor of a national sales tax. A national sales tax is the fairest tax for individuals because it taxes your ability to spend not your earnings. In other words, wealthy people buy stuff, the more stuff you buy – the more tax you pay. It also taxes the underground economy which eliminates significant tax fraud by those that are self employed working for cash and not reporting their real earnings.

If the government held itself to the same performance standards as private companies do, we would be able to fix the deficit. If every time the government borrowed money to spend they had to provide a justification and a return on investment model before they borrowed it – how much of the spending would be approved?

In the end, if the politicians could just stop trying to get elected long enough to look at the real problem solving it might be easier than everyone thinks – eliminate the waste and increase the value. The only politician that seemed to understand this in the last 20 years was Ross Perot – but then Perot wasn’t really a politician, he was a successful businessman.

Restore the Republic, Reject Socialism!

“The budget should be balanced, the treasury should be refilled, the public debt should be reduced and the arrogance of public officials should be controlled”. – Ross Perot

“Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a loud voice at one end and no responsibility at the other”. – Ronald Reagan

Is the Tea Party Anti-Government?

Turn on a radio or a TV and listen to any news show discussing the “shellacking” the democrats received in the recent election and you will likely hear the Tea Party described as an anti–government movement. This is a complete  misrepresentation.

Those who say the Tea Party is anti-government either simply don’t get it or are just not listening. The Tea Party and its’ supporters are strong supporters of the government established by the U.S. Constitution and the philosophy of government it represents.

The constant inaccurate media coverage and the continued bashing of the Tea Parties by the liberal press are only strengthening the Tea Party’s message. Tea Party members are not a bunch of right wing extremists trying to disrupt the system. They are conservatives trying to make their voices heard and participate in the political process. Their grassroots efforts were aimed at the direction and policies of the previous Congress and the Obama Administration.

The Tea Party issues are:

  •  Ending excessive taxes
  •  Reducing government spending
  •  Stopping nationalization of private businesses
  •  Ending excessive government manipulation/control of the financial markets
  •  Stopping redistribution of wealth
  •  Ending government bailout plans
  •  Preventing loss of individual freedoms
  •  Overturning the government takeover of healthcare
  •  Securing the borders and implementing an intelligent immigration policy
  •  Protecting our national sovereignty 

The founding fathers established 28 principles of freedom which were framed into the Constitution. These principles were the foundation of our laws and beliefs for the last 200 years. They helped America become the most powerful and free nation on earth. As a result, we have enjoyed an unparalleled standard of living and individual freedoms unheard of anywhere else on earth. Our Constitution is the most original government charter every conceived. The government it created fueled America’s greatness, the American Dream and the innovation that powered American exceptionalism.

Concerned citizens everywhere have gotten involved. They are exercising their unique right as Americans to participate in the process of government. All citizens that value their freedom have a responsibility to exercise these rights. The Tea Party pushed for a return to a government that follows the Constitution and its principles. The Tea Parties represents the desire by many citizens to restore these values within the government. In the end the Tea Party and its’ members are actually pro-government, they just do not support the over reaching type of government that Washington has become. Through peaceful rallies these citizens have promoted their ideals and made their voices heard. The outcome of the election shows that many of their fellow citizens are listening. Isn’t that the way a Republic is supposed to work?

The real question now is – Is Washington listening?

As Florida Senator-elect Marco Rubio so eloquently put it, “We make a great mistake if we believe that tonight these results are somehow an embrace of the Republican Party. What they are, is a second chance, a second chance for Republicans to be what they said they were going to be not so long ago.’’

America, we have taken the first step but there is still a lot of work to do. We must continue to hold our elected officials accountable. The newly elected members of Congress must stand by the rhetoric that got them elected or face the consequences.

As Thomas Jefferson said, “I hold it that a little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms are in the physical.” 

It appears the system still works in America, the people have spoken. The pro-constitutional government, Tea Party conservatives are not going away. They are exercising their rights to help shape the policies of the government in which they believe.

Restore the Republic, Reject Socialism!

The Post Racial President or Divisive Manipulator

“I am president.  I’m not king.  I can’t do these things just by myself.  If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying we’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us, if they don’t see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election, then I think it’s going to be harder, and that’s why I think it’s so important that people focus on voting on November 2nd. …Well, I’m disappointed, too.  Many Republicans who used to support comprehensive immigration reform, like John McCain, decided not to support it.  The problem that we have is that until I can get some cooperation from the other side, then people who are anti-immigration reform can continue to block it.  And that’s why this election coming up is so important because we essentially have to say that those who are politicizing the issue, who are supportive of the Arizona law, who talk only about border security but aren’t willing to talk about the other aspects of this, who don’t support the DREAM Act, who are out there engaging in rhetoric that is divisive and damaging, those aren’t the kinds of folks who represent our core American values”. – Barack Obama on Univision, 10/25/10 

Obama also said, “Republicans had driven the economy into a ditch and then stood by and criticized while Democrats pulled the economy out, and now the progress has been made, we can’t have special interests sitting shotgun.  We gotta have middle-class families up front in the car.  We don’t mind the Republicans joining us.  They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in the back.’

How ironic is this statement? After all this is the President of the United States talking. The president who is suppose to be a healer and “post racial”. He was the president that was supposed to inspire and unify America. When before in history has a U.S. President suggested that fellow citizens that didn’t agree with his policies are the enemy and should be punished? Obama has finally showed his true colors in a public forum in a way that can’t be denied.

Given the tone of this statement, how can he accuse anyone else of “rhetoric that is divisive and damaging”? Does the president even know anyone who represents core American values?

So far the only thing this president has demonstrated is the ability to divide as well as unbelievable arrogance and a stubborn streak a mile wide. Since taking office he has repeatedly sent the message that it’s his way or no way. There is no evidence that he is capable of meaningful compromise. He has had many opportunities to give small compromises to the Republicans during the past two legislative sessions. There were opportunities in both the Stimulus and Healthcare debates. In either case small compromises would have helped him neutralize the Republican objections but his ego wouldn’t permit it. Here are some examples of his arrogant posturing:

On the Economy:

After a long meeting with Congressional leaders prior to the passing of the Stimulus Bill, Republican leaders were voicing there disagreement and offering ideas on ways to compromise on the contents of the bill. After shooting down all their ideas, Obama told the Republicans, “on some of these issues we’re just going to have ideological differences.” The president added, “I won. So I think on that one, I trump you.” 

At a DNC fundraising dinner in San Francisco, President Obama took a shot at his critics saying, “Another way of putting it is when, you know, I’m busy and [Speaker] Nancy [Pelosi]’s busy with our mop cleaning up somebody else’s mess — we don’t want somebody sitting back saying, you’re not holding the mop the right way.” Or from a Virginia fundraiser, “I don’t want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talking. I want them to just get out of the way so we can clean up the mess!” In others words – Shut Up!

On the Tea Party and Conservatives:

In a meeting with Congressional democrats to promote his healthcare reform bill Obama was quoted by the New York Times as saying, “Does anybody think that the teabag, anti-government people are going to support them if they bring down health care? All it will do is confuse and dispirit” Democratic voters “and it will encourage the extremists.”

At a San Francisco fundraiser Obama said, “You go into some of these small towns in Pennsylvania, and like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. So it’s not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations”.

Apparently, all conservatives or anyone for that matter who disagrees with his policies is a frustrated, bigoted, extremist.

On Immigration:

On July 2nd, President Obama gave a speech at American University and said, “…it’s not just that the law Arizona passed is divisive — although it has fanned the flames of an already contentious debate. Laws like Arizona’s put huge pressures on local law enforcement to enforce rules that ultimately are unenforceable. It puts pressure on already hard-strapped state and local budgets…. These laws also have the potential of violating the rights of innocent American citizens and legal residents, making them subject to possible stops or questioning because of what they look like or how they sound.” 

“One of the things that the (Arizona) law says is local officials are allowed to ask somebody who they have a suspicion might be a illegal immigrant for their papers. Now, suddenly, if you don’t have your papers and you took your kid out to get ice cream, you’re gonna be harassed. That’s something that could potentially happen.” – Barack Obama 

Based on the above comments, Obama’s recent remarks on a webcast designed to fire up his supporters seems quite hypocritical…

“The question, once again, is going to be whether hope overcomes fear. Essentially, what the other side has decided is that they are going to try to ride fear and anxiety all the way to the ballot box on November 2.” – Barack Obama

And let’s not forget, the President also struggles with his own feelings on Race and Racism: 

“I ceased to advertise my mother’s race at the age of twelve or thirteen, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites.”

“I found solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother’s race.”

“To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully.  The more politically active black students.  The foreign students.  The Chicanos.  The Marxist professors and structural feminists.”

“I learned to slip back and forth between my black and white worlds.  One of those tricks I had learned: People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.  They were more than satisfied; they were relieved — such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn’t seem angry all the time.” 

“The point I was making was not that Grandmother harbors any racial animosity.  She doesn’t.  But she is a typical white person…”

“That’s just how white folks will do you.” 

–         All of these quotes are from Obama’s books, writings and speeches 

And one more contradiction for good measure – Obama on why the democrats are having such a tough time in the mid-term elections:

“Part of the reason that our politics seems so tough right now, and facts and science and argument does not seem to be winning the day all the time, is because we’re hard-wired not to always think clearly when we’re scared. And the country is scared.’’  Apparently, we are not real smart. 

Some of the Presidents friends and supporters have also weighed in on why the democrat’s strategies are failing and their concerns about the conservative message:

Sen. John Kerry -“We have an electorate that doesn’t always pay that much attention to what’s going on, so people are influenced by a simple slogan rather than the facts or the truth.’’  John, can you say “Hope and Change”? 

ABC’s Christiane Amanpour – “I mean there’s been a long and venerable tradition of conservatism in this country. You can go back at least to Ronald Reagan, William F. Buckley, all of that sort of intellectual conservatism that lasted about 30 years and people are saying that right now, it’s really gone to the extreme. People are looking at the tea party and saying this is not conservatism as we knew it, but it’s extreme”.  Apparently, conservatives used to be smart, now we’re just scary! 

Rob Reiner explaining his fear of the Tea Party with a Hitler comparison:  “He wasn’t a majority guy, but he was charismatic and they were having bad economic times – just like we are now – people were out of work, they needed jobs and a guy came along and rallied the troops. My fear is that the Tea Party gets a charismatic leader, because all they’re selling is fear and anger and that’s all Hitler sold – “I’m angry and I’m frightened and you should hate that guy over there.”  Ironically, polls indicate that unemployment is highest among those who likely voted for Obama.

But there you have it, if you breakdown the opinions and commentary from the left as laid out above, you would probably conclude that conservatives are scared, angry, ignorant, bigoted, simpletons who will follow the first smooth talking shyster (lawyer/community organizer) with a great slogan (Hope & Change) that comes along, down a path that will destroy America.  Wait a minute!! So why aren’t these people jumping on the Obama bandwagon?  Oh, yeah their conservatives with American values. 

This president has attempted to divide America on the basis of race, class and partisanship for his own political gain and to further his progressive agenda. He is not above telling a big lie and repeating it with conviction to manipulate his listeners. Now using his “big lie” techniques and out of desperation to avoid a mid-term electoral disaster as a last resort, the president is calling for “punishing of our (political) enemies” and the “rewarding of our (political) friends”. 

Wake up, America! It is time to clean the House and the Senate of the “friends” of the Progressive Agenda! It is time to take back our country and stop its fundamental transformation. On Nov. 2nd vote for America and freedom. Vote conservative! 

Restore the Republic, Reject the Agenda of the Progressive Left! 

“The time is near at hand which must determine whether Americans are to be free men or slaves” – George Washington   

“If you love wealth more than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, depart from us in peace. We ask not your counsel nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains rest lightly upon you and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen”- Samuel Adams 

“A nation of well informed men who have been taught to know and prize the rights which God has given them cannot be enslaved. It is in the region of ignorance that tyranny begins” – Benjamin Franklin