Monthly Archives: August 2010

Gimme Back My Bullets

Working through the backdoor, radical leftist groups, the administration, the EPA and Regulatory Czar Cass Sunstein are carefully designing regulations to control the use of lead in products. While we all recognize the dangers associated with the use of lead in some products there is a hidden agenda in this effort.

The real target in this effort maybe unlegislated gun control. Using environmental concerns as their launching pad several environmental groups are asking the EPA to ban bullets, lead shot and even fishing sinkers claiming they contaminate the environment. The proposal relies on support from studies which claim that lead shot, ammo, sinkers, etc are killing animals that eat the lead fragments or other animals that were shot and contaminated by the ammo that killed them. These groups are citing the Toxic Substances Control Act as the vehicle to create these regulations. 

The proposed regulations are a stretch and conflict with existing language within the act. There also is no precedent for the EPA to involve itself in regulations that interfere with second amendment gun rights. The NRA has already weighed in on this sending the EPA a letter pointing out that they are overstepping their authority. 

You have to give these guys credit for creativity. If you can’t implement gun control legislation due to a lack of support then go after the ammunition on the basis of lead and render the guns useless. While there maybe alternatives to lead most would fall into the category of military grade ammunition such as the armor piercing variety which would create safety issues for law enforcement so that would also be shot down (no pun intended). 

Fundamental transformation is underway! It is time to stop it in its tracks! 

Restore the Republic, Reject the Agenda of the Progressive Left! 

“The maintenance of the right to bear arms is a most essential one to every free people and should not be whittled down by technical constructions”. — North Carolina Supreme Court, State v. Kerner (1921) 

“The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyrany in government”. — Thomas Jefferson 

“Crisis is the rallying cry of the tyrant”.  — James Madison

Obama, Muslims and the Mosque

A recent poll conducted by  Pew Research Center and its affiliate Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life found that 18% of Americans now believe that the president is a Muslim, up 7% from last year. The flack has gotten so bad that The White House Bill Burton even felt the need to issue a statement saying, “(Americans) are not reading a lot of news about what religion the president is. The president is obviously a Christian. He prays everyday.”

While the mainstream media continues to defend the president, concern among the average American grows – mostly driven by the president’s own behavior.

For two years in a row President Obama has been a no show on the National Day of Prayer, but has yet to miss hosting a Ramadan festival at the White House since becoming president. 

The list of overtures that Obama has made to the Muslim world has caused many to wonder why he feels the need to try so hard to listen to Muslims and win them over while virtually ignoring the voice of Americans who do not agree with his policies.

While still a candidate for president, Obama was quoted as saying: “I think that the [political] right might worry a bit more about the dangers of sectarianism. Whatever we once were, we’re no longer just a Christian nation; we are also a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation, a Buddhist nation, a Hindu nation, and a nation of nonbelievers.”

Remember that the President’s father was a Muslim and Obama grew up in Indonesia which has one of the world’s largest Muslim populations. His administration has pushed hard to mend relations with Muslims. I do not know anyone who thinks that finding a way to peacefully co-exist with the Muslim world is a bad thing – but what price are we willing to pay for their cooperation. Are we willing to continue to allow the President’s pandering to them cause division within our own nation?

Here are a few more examples of Obama’s efforts and overtures to the Muslim world:

On Ramadan: “I know this to be a festive time,” he had said. “A time when families gather, friends host iftars, and meals are shared. But I also know that Ramadan is a time of intense devotion and reflection, a time when Muslims fast during the day and perform tarawih prayers at night, reciting and listening to the entire Koran over the course of the month. These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.” For the past 10 years there has been very little evidence of Islam advancing any of these values or promoting peace!

Summer of Service Program: Obama has touted the “many Islamic organizations that have joined other faith-based groups at the forefront of his “Summer of Service” program to encourage Americans to volunteer in their communities.” Why go out of your way to specifically mention Muslim participation?

First TV Interview as President: Obama gave the first TV interview of his presidency to Al Arabiya, saying, “My job to the Muslim world is to communicate that the Americans are not your enemy.”

The Cairo Speech (a couple of excerpts): “So I have known Islam on three continents before coming to the region where it was first revealed.  That experience guides my conviction that partnership between America and Islam must be based on what Islam is, not what it isn’t.  And I consider it part of my responsibility as President of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear. …  Now, much has been made of the fact that an African American with the name Barack Hussein Obama could be elected President.  But my personal story is not so unique.  The dream of opportunity for all people has not come true for everyone in America, but its promise exists for all who come to our shores — and that includes nearly 7 million American Muslims in our country today who, by the way, enjoy incomes and educational levels that are higher than the American average.” Why does there always seem to be a shot at America or Americans in his comments?

The Christmas Decorations Controversy: Last December, word leaked out that the Obamas were planning a “non-religious Christmas”, whatever that is. According to Social Secretary Desiree Rogers the Obamas had decided not to put the White House Nativity scene on display which would have ended a longtime East Room tradition. All of this was reported in the NY Times, Fashion & Style section. In the article the White House confirmed to the Times that there had been discussions about the need to make Christmas more inclusive. In the end the Obamas caved to tradition but it has to make you wonder why a Christian family would consider such a move in the first place. Is it just political correctness gone awry or is there more to this?

And now the President’s latest fiasco – The Ground Zero Mosque Controversy:

“Recently, attention has been focused on the construction of mosques in certain communities — particularly New York. Now, we must all recognize and respect the sensitivities surrounding the development of lower Manhattan. The 9/11 attacks were a deeply traumatic event for our country. And the pain and the experience of suffering by those who lost loved ones is just unimaginable. So I understand the emotions that this issue engenders. And ground zero is, indeed, hallowed ground.

But let me be clear. As a citizen, and as president, I believe that Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as everyone else in this country. And that includes the right to build a place of worship and a community center on private property in lower Manhattan, in accordance with local laws and ordinances.” – Barack Obama 

In a series of recent comments, the President said that Muslims have the right to build a mosque near New York’s ground zero and that he supported the developers’ right to build there as well. Obama also stated that Muslims have the same right to freedom of religion as anyone else. All of which is true but does this make such a move the right thing to do? This is an administration that likes to harp on doing what’s right – so?

The mosque would be part of a $100 million Islamic community center two blocks from the site of the World Trade Center which was attacked and destroyed by Muslim terrorists on Sept.11, 2001. Almost 3000 people were killed in that attack.

Many Americans now feel betrayed by Obama’s comments. While it is true that a core American value is freedom of religion, there is also the recognition of the right to establish community standards. 

 As Democrat, Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C. describes it, “We have what we call in this country ‘community standards,’ and community standards ought to be left up to the community. The decision on permitting for any building, be it a mosque or a church, or whatever may be a place of worship, or be it a grocery store or a liquor store, those things are left up to community standards…”

In this case the standard might be simply based on common decency and respect.  

Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y weighed in saying, “President Obama is wrong. It is insensitive and uncaring for the Muslim community to build a mosque in the shadow of ground zero.”

Democrats disagreed also, Senate candidate Jeff Greene (D) FL said, “President Obama has this all wrong and I strongly oppose his support for building a mosque near ground zero especially since Islamic terrorists have bragged and celebrated destroying the Twin Towers and killing nearly 3,000 Americans. Freedom of religion might provide the right to build the mosque in the shadow of ground zero, but common sense and respect for those who lost their lives and loved ones gives sensible reason to build the mosque someplace else.”

Many believe that building a mosque near ground zero is a deliberately provocative act and extremely insensitive. Others are just disappointed in the president’s position. “Barack Obama has abandoned America at the place where America’s heart was broken nine years ago, and where her true values were on display for all to see,” said Debra Burlingame, who lost her brother that day. He was a pilot of one of the hijacked jets.

Even Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s office issued a statement saying, “The First Amendment protects freedom of religion. Senator Reid respects that, but thinks that the mosque should be built some place else.”

As for the Muslims who want to build this mosque claiming it will be a place that will foster understanding and cooperation between the Muslim community and their neighbors – here is an idea toward that goal; show a little sensitivity… build somewhere else!

I’ll stop here even though I could go on with questions about the theory that this is a “victory mosque” or question the credibility and motives of Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the man behind the effort to build this mosque. However, none of that is the real story here – the real story or better yet question is – what does Barack Obama really stand for and what is his plan for America? One could argue that he has done more damage to the long term health of our country in less than two years than any president in history. (record deficit spending, healthcare reform, financial regulations and government takeovers of banks and companies, etc.)

Certainly none of this proves that the President is a Muslim or that it even matters. However in these few examples (and there are many more) one can not help but question why the President always seems to be on the side of everyone but Americans and that does matter. Whether we are talking about illegal immigration, America’s role in the world, the Constitution or capitalism – the President seems to always be opposed to core American values, beliefs and a constant critic of all that we stand for. Remember he wants to fundamentally transform America and so far he is succeeding.

It is time to stop this madness. Let’s not get distracted by this smoke screen. The President lobbed out these comments and went on vacation, secure in the knowledge that we will waste our time debating this instead of focusing on the systematic destruction of our country and our economy. I don’t know if the President is a Muslim, but I am damn sure he is a socialist!

Wake up, America! Restore the Republic, Reject Socialism!

“Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it”. – Mark Twain