Monthly Archives: May 2010

Calderon Lectures Congress

This week Mexican President Felipe Calderon visited the U.S. and decided to take the opportunity to weigh in on the new Arizona immigration law.

“It is a law that not only ignores a reality that cannot be erased by decree but also introduces a terrible idea using racial profiling as a basis for law enforcement,” he said

Calderon says Mexico rejects efforts “to criminalize migration so that people (who) work and provide things to this nation will be treated as criminals.” He went on to say “We oppose firmly” the Arizona law, which is “partial and discriminatory.” Adding, (we) “need to fix a broken and inefficient system … the time has come to reduce the causes of migration and to turn this phenomenon into a legal, ordered and secure flow of workers and visitors.”

Watch excerpts from his speech and other comments:

Calderon went on to say, “we cannot ignore the fact that the challenge to our security has roots on both sides of the border.” As evidence he cited the high demand for drugs by Americans as a driving factor for the border problems and violence. He also called on Congress to reinstate the ban on assault weapons which expired during the Bush presidency, blaming the availability of high-powered weapons for increasing drug-related violence along the border.

Calderon said Mexico planned to have universal health care by 2012 which he claimed would give Mexicans “one less reason” to migrate to the United States.

During his speech to Congress, Calderon addressed Mexicans living here in Spanish saying, “Mexicans (in Mexico) admire and miss them and are working to protect their rights”. Really? They are going to work to protect their rights. Really? Newsflash – if you are here illegally the only right you have is to be deported!

Notice he doesn’t offer the Mexican Immigration Law as a model for us to emulate. Wonder why? It’s tougher than ours, that’s why! Here is a quick snap shot of Mexican Immigration Rules, go to:

Are you ready to throw up yet?! Enough is enough. This a travesty. Calderon is the president of a crime ridden, impoverished, train wreck of a country. He and his government are not do anything to help with the problem.

Why should they when it is estimated that illegal workers in the U.S. send back to Mexico between $15-22 billion a year. That influx of cash helps to make up for a lack of a national economy.

Furthermore, he had the nerve to suggest our gun laws and the American appetite for drugs are our contributions to the overall problem. What happened to diplomacy and decorum? Even if this guy believes this – shouldn’t it have been a private discussion between two leaders? To stand on the lawn of our White House and on the floor of our Capitol then proceed to tell us that he supports the rights of his citizens, who are here in our country illegally is unbelievable. Even more unbelievable is that the Democrats applauded him and the Republicans didn’t get up and walk out. Where is our patriotism?

Through all of this “our” President never disagreed or even addressed that Mexico needed to do more. Worse yet, this is what he did say, (the law) “has the potential of being applied in a discriminatory fashion. … A fair reading of the language of the statute indicates that it gives the possibility of individuals who are deemed suspicious of being illegal immigrants from being harassed or arrested. The judgments that are going to be made in applying this law are troublesome.” He went on to promise a full review by the Justice Dept.

So clearly the President hasn’t read the bill yet. The bill is clear on how the law is to be applied. It provides for punishment of officers who use it improperly. Ironically, the law is almost a mirror image of the federal law that is not being enforced. Also any law has the potential to abused by its’ enforcers without appropriate oversight. Also at the end of the day this is a state’s rights issue.

Read the bill: 10th Amendment allows state’s to make their own laws to protect the interests of their citizens. Arizona is tired of the crime, the murders, kidnappings, drugs and the drain on the state’s finances. The federal government wasn’t helping so what other choice did they have? The only one showing any real leadership in this situation is AZ Gov. Brewer.

Gov. Brewer has support too. 71% of Arizona voters support the new law as do 69% nationwide according to Rasmussen Reports. Rasmussen also says that 55% of all voters would favor similar laws in their states and 67% say Mexico is not interested in stopping the flow of illegal immigrants into the U.S.

I am running out of new things to say about what is going on. America – this is wrong! What has happened to our country in just over a year? Where is our nationl pride? This my friends is not how it is supposed to be in America. Stand up, Fight back and Make your voice heard!

Restore the Republic, Reject the Progressive Left!

“Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it.” – Mark Twain

Matthews: Nationalize BP

In another classic rant, MSNBC moon bat, Chris Matthews slips a gear as he tries to explain what should be done about the Gulf oil spill. He takes shots at everyone, suggesting nationalizing oil companies and even points out that in China executing the leaders of BP would even be an option. I would ask if he’s lost his mind but that’s rhetorical question. Watch the video:

Here is an excerpt of his rant, read it and let it sink in, Now ask yourself – what has happened to our country that this type of talk is even acceptable?

“I don’t think the government is doing its best. Why doesn’t the President go in there, nationalize an industry and get the job done for the people? There’s a national interest in this, not just a BP interest. We’re letting BP fix a national problem. In China, it’s a more brutal society, a more brutal society, Kate, but they execute people for this. Major industrial leaders that commit crimes like this. Failure like this. This is a serious, serious problem. It is not over. It continues to destroy a part of our planet basically. Part of our habitat, our American habitat. And everybody just sits and watches television every night. “And so that’s interesting.” And you see guys are still drawing their paychecks, still making their profits. The oil industry has been ballooning in profits this year and nobody is doing anything about it except – what are we Vatican observers now? We just watch? It is maddening that our government is – Everybody says “Capitalism is great. Unbridled free enterprise is great.” Look at it! This is great, isn’t it?!”

What the hell is wrong with this guy and the rest of the far left? Do they really believe the politics of China and Venezuela are the solutions to our problems? How is this accident the result of capitalism? They don’t have oil spills or industrial accidents in socialist countries?

Chris, let me help you out with a few facts of life:

The definition of an accident – An unexpected and undesirable event, especially one resulting in damage or harm. Example: oil spill

The U.S. Minerals Management Service is at least partially responsible for failing to provide appropriate oversight. Should we execute someone there too?

Do you really believe that BP executives are just taking their sweet time trying to figure this out? After all the sheer greed you assign to these people would surely motivate them enough to try to stop thousands and thousands of barrels from spewing into the ocean rather than their tankers.

More disturbing than Matthew’s obvious insanity is the fact that if anyone on the right went on a diatribe like this they would be crucified by the media. Where is the balance?

Restore the Republic, Reject Socialism!

“The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground” – Thomas Jefferson

Woody Allen: Actor, Director, IDIOT!

As reported in my previous posts, Hollywood is loaded with left wing moon bats of all varieties but Woody Allen may have achieved a new level of Bananas. Forget Sean Penn, he is merely a Chavez admirer. Woody wants to make Obama our dictator. That’s right, our dictator.

Seems Woody is very happy with the President but thinks his job performance is being hindered by all the formalities of a republic.

Allen was recently interviewed by La Vanguardia, a Spanish language newspaper. In the interview Allen is quoted as saying, “I am pleased with Obama. I think he’s brilliant. The Republican Party should get out of his way and stop trying to hurt him.” He went on to say, “it would be good…if he could be a dictator for a few years because he could do a lot of good things quickly.”

Do you suppose Woody actually understands the concept of a dictatorship? A dictatorship is an autocratic form of absolute rule by leadership unrestricted by law or constitutions. This hardly seems like a government to aspire to. Does Woody understand that this is real life not a movie – that you don’t just have dictator for a little while and then they just step down and things go back to normal? Or is he just a spoiled American who does not appreciate what he has been blessed with? People from around the come to America to escape dictators. Oh by the way Woody, typically dictators are not known for their good works.

Comments like these are unbelievable. Does Woody Allen realize that all of his success, his ability to express himself and the opportunity to earn his fortune are impart due to the freedom he has an American? Can he really be this naïve? Why is it that those who have so much seem to have so little common sense?

And now the Oscar for Biggest Idiot in a Leading Role…. Woody Allen!

So here is the irony in what Woody and the rest of the Hollywood moon bats believe, the very movement that they support is responsible for the financial condition of California. If California is the model of the type of nanny state government, they can keep it!

Wake up America! Forget what spoiled celebrities tell you, study the issues and make up your own mind. The moon bats would have you believe that the governments of Venezuela and Cuba are models to aspire to. And they are, if you want state controlled oil companies, state controlled media and government control of every aspect of your life. That is the direction we are headed if we don’t stop the progressive movement. Your inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are under attack. It is time to stand up for our country, our Constitution and our way of life.

Restore the Republic, Reject the Agenda of the Progressive Left!

“Arbitrary power is most easily established on the ruins of liberty abused to licentiousness” – George Washington

Kagan, Socialism & Free Speech

Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan, wrote in her Princeton senior thesis, titled, “To the Final Conflict: Socialism in New York City, 1900-1933”, “In our own times, a coherent socialist movement is nowhere to be found in the United States. Americans are more likely to speak of a golden past than of a golden future, of capitalism’s glories than of socialism’s greatness. Conformity overrides dissent; the desire to conserve has overwhelmed the urge to alter. Such a state of affairs cries out for explanation. Why, in a society by no means perfect, has a radical party never attained the status of a major political force? Why, in particular, did the socialist movement never become an alternative to the nation’s established parties?”

“Through its own internal feuding, then, the SP exhausted itself forever and further reduced labor radicalism in New York to the position of marginality and insignificance from which it has never recovered. The story is a sad but also a chastening one for those who, more than half a century after socialism’s decline, still wish to change America. Radicals have often succumbed to the devastating bane of sectarianism; it is easier, after all, to fight one’s fellows than it is to battle an entrenched and powerful foe. Yet if the history of Local New York shows anything, it is that American radicals cannot afford to become their own worst enemies. In unity lies their only hope.”

Now it goes without saying that our Constitution was not designed with socialism in mind as the government of choice for America. Some will argue that the young Kagan was simply involved in an academic discussion and that it is not necessarily an accurate reflection of her personal politics. If that’s true, why was this in a recent filing signed by Kagan in her current role as Solicitor General…

“Whether a given category of speech enjoys First Amendment protection depends upon a categorical balancing of the value of the speech against its societal costs.”

Read that again – it appears to suggest that free speech is subject to its’ value. The value of speech itself is a subjective matter depending on who is listening. More from Kagan…

In 1993, Kagan wrote an article for the University of Chicago Law Review , in which she said , “I take it as a given that we live in a society marred by racial and gender inequality, that certain forms of speech perpetuate and promote this inequality, and that the uncoerced disappearance  of such speech would be cause for great elation.”

As recently as September, Kagan argued that Congress has the constitutional right to forbid companies from engaging in political speech such as publishing pamphlets that advocate the election or defeat of a candidate for federal office.

The court ruled 5-4 against Kagan (Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission) and her contention the government could limit political speech by corporations. In his opinion, Chief Justice Roberts wrote, “The government urges us in this case to uphold a direct prohibition on political speech. It asks us to embrace a theory of the First Amendment that would allow censorship not only of television and radio broadcasts, but of pamphlets, posters, the Internet, and virtually any other medium that corporations and unions might find useful in expressing their views on matters of public concern. Its theory, if accepted, would empower the government to prohibit newspapers from running editorials or opinion pieces supporting or opposing candidates for office, so long as the newspapers were owned by corporations — as the major ones are. First Amendment rights could be confined to individuals, subverting the vibrant public discourse that is at the foundation of our democracy.”

Justice Kennedy, in the majority opinion added that Kagan was defending a law that represents an attempt to use “censorship to control thought”, saying “This is unlawful. The First Amendment confirms the freedom to think for ourselves.”

So I ask you with all the talk of “net neutrality”, new FCC regulations to create diversity, newspaper bailouts and the regulatory tricks the administration is fond of – can we really afford a Supreme Court Justice who wants to manipulate the Constitution?

Kagan’s views on free speech are frightening. The idea that free speech become subject to government regulation is unconscionable and un-American. This violates the fundamental premise of the First Amendment, that all speech should be protected.

The thought of creating an unholy alliance between Ms. Kagan and the always frightening Regulatory Czar, Cass Sunstein should be enough to rally every conservative, republican and American in Congress to oppose her confirmation. Remember, Sunstein in a white paper of his own called “Conspiracy Theories” said the government should have the right to censor political views that it felt were inappropriate, damaging or misleading.

Quoting Sunstein on page 20 of his paper, “We could imagine circumstances in which a conspiracy theory became so pervasive, and so dangerous, that censorship would be thinkable.” His solutions include: A government ban on conspiracy theories and considering some type of government penalties such as a tax or fine on individuals who disseminate such theories.

The issues that must be raised at these confirmation hearings center on – who is Elena Kagan and what are her beliefs/ideals? How will they affect her rulings? Does she believe in the Constitution and will she support it? Is she a person who you want defending your rights and the Constitution? Or will she just be another tool in the box of those trying to “fundamentally transform America”?

So America, it is time to ask, how much control should the government have? This is not what the founding fathers had in mind. The government we see evolving before us is not part of any of the blue prints they left us! Our way of life, our freedom, our liberties and our sovereignty are at risk! It is time to stand up and fight back!

Wake up America! Restore the Republic, Reject the Agenda of the Progressive Left!

“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”   – Winston Churchill 

“I do not believe in a fate that will fall on us no matter what we do. I do believe in a fate that will fall on us if we do nothing”. –Ronald Reagan 

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same”. – Ronald Reagan 

Sources used for this blog:

The Chicago Climate Exchange, Pt. 1: An Elitist Redistribution Scam

The amazing thing about elitist scams are how under the guise of social justice they make the elite richer and more powerful. Socialism historically is predicated on a group of elitists building a society that reduces all of its’ citizens to a common standard of living. The resulting society does not value the individual, their rights or their achievements.

Currently the global and U.S. elite are pushing their climate change/green agenda with the threat of a global catastrophe. With this as their launching pad they have set in motion hundreds of laws and regulations, both domestically and through the U.N. designed to drive the world toward some form of “global governance” all while making themselves richer and more powerful in the process.

With this as a back drop, let’s talk about the latest scam brought to you by: the President, Goldman Sachs, Van Jones, Al Gore, George Soros and Franklin Raines just to name a few. Without further delay, let me introduce you to – The Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX).

So what is the Chicago Climate Exchange? Well, if the financial projections are right and the administration can ram through some form of “Cap & Trade”, it will be a $10 trillion cash machine.

According to a Fox News story by Fred Barnes, “While on the board of a Chicago-based charity, Barack Obama helped fund a carbon trading exchange that will likely play a critical role in the cap-and-trade carbon reduction program he is now trying to push through Congress as president.”

As a members of the board of directors of the Joyce Foundation, both Obama and Valerie Jarret served and were key players in providing nearly $1.1 million in two separate grants that were “instrumental in developing and launching the privately-owned Chicago Climate Exchange, which now claims to be “North America’s only cap and trade system for all six greenhouse gases, with global affiliates and projects worldwide.”

So why does a private foundation fund a private business? Who invests in a business that gets its’ start up funds from a private foundation? The list is impressive but we will get back to that in a minute. First a little history on CCX, from their website:

“The institution that is today the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) began with a grant in 2000 from the Joyce Foundation, a leading philanthropy based in Chicago known for its innovative approach to public policy issues, which supported the inception, creation, feasibility and design of CCX. The support was provided as part of a series of special Millennium grants made by the Foundation to catalyze, support and reinforce ideas, concepts or institutions of lasting intergenerational significance.

An initial grant of $347,000 was made to the Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University to provide technical support to Dr. Richard Sandor and colleagues to examine whether a cap-and-trade market was feasible in the U.S. to facilitate significant greenhouse gas reductions, using a voluntary regional Midwest model from which national and international lessons might be drawn.

A second grant of $760,000 was provided in 2001 to proceed with a design phase, which ran through 2002 and involved more than one hundred professionals in the corporate, public, non-governmental and academic sectors, who worked with Dr. Sandor, his colleague, Dr. Michael Walsh, and others to develop a core set of rules, protocols and design elements that would underpin and shape a pilot reduction and trading design.

In 2003, CCX launched trading operations, with the following 13 Charter Members:

American Electric Power, Baxter International Inc., City of Chicago, DuPont, Ford Motor Co., International Paper

Manitoba Hydro Corp., MeadWestvaco Corp., Motorola Inc., STMicroelectronics, Stora Enso North America

Temple-Inland Inc., Waste Management Inc.

Through their CCX membership, the above organizations were first in the world to make legally binding commitments to reduce all six greenhouse gases, in the world’s first multinational multi-sector market for reducing and trading greenhouse gases.

CCX is a U.S. corporation, and today remains the only emissions reduction and trading system for all six greenhouse gases and the only operational cap and trade system in North America. CCX has nearly 300 Members from all sectors and Offset Projects worldwide. See full Member list.

In 2005, CCX launched the European Climate Exchange (ECX), now the dominant exchange operating in the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme. CCX also launched the Chicago Climate Futures Exchange (CCFE), a CFTC-regulated futures exchange that offers standardized and cleared futures and options contracts on emission allowances and other environmental products, the world’s first environmental derivatives exchange. Since 2006, CCX, ECX and CCFE have been owned by Climate Exchange Plc (LSE: CLE.L), a publicly traded company listed on the AIM of the London Stock Exchange. Richard Sandor is Chairman of Climate Exchange Plc.”

It all sounds so innocent on the surface but when you dig a little there is cause for concern. This story will be two parts because it is complicated and troubling.

We’ll start with a little background on Cap & Trade. What is cap and trade?

The Cap – It is a system that sets a limit or a cap on emissions generated by fossil fuel use. Companies and residences will be given an emission limit based on either a formula or a historical profile. Over time the limit would be reduced to achieve a target that in theory would reduce the cumulative global output to 80% of 1990 actual output by 2050.

The Trade – Companies and individuals (residential allotments) that perform below their allocated levels can bank the unused units and sell them to companies that exceed their allocated units.

Besides the ones already mentioned, some of the other key players in this story are:

Al Gore, founder of the London-based Generation Investment Management, GIM purchased a huge stake in Chicago Climate Exchange. They are the fifth largest shareholder. Former Vice President Al Gore partnered with people from Goldman Sachs such as David Blood, Mark Ferguson and Peter Harris to name a few.

Franklin Raines, the disgraced former CEO of Fannie Mae is now a member of the Board of Trustees of Enterprise Community Partners. The stated mission of Enterprise, “We create opportunity for low- and moderate-income people through fit, affordable housing and diverse, thriving communities. Central to our mission is Enterprise’s fundamental commitment to give people living in poverty an opportunity to move up and out. We believe that these opportunities are best provided in communities with a diverse mix of affordable and market housing options, access to jobs and social supports, and a strong commitment to the environment and civic participation.”

However, before leaving Fannie Mae, Raines used Fannie Mae funds, in other words, taxpayers money to buy technology to measure and manage carbon credits. Patent No. 6904336 was approved by the U.S. Patent and Trade Office for this technology on Nov. 7, 2006 the day after Obama and Democrats won the election and took control of the House. The patent, which Fannie Mae co-owns with Cantor Fitzgerald subsidiary The patent gives Fannie Mae a leg up on the fledgling carbon trading market. The result is a quasi government agency now has a major financial stake in the success of cap-and-trade legislation.

The patent, gives Fannie Mae proprietary control over an automated trading system that pools and sells credits for residential carbon reduction upgrades like solar panels and high-efficiency appliances. These credits can be bought by companies and utilities that don’t meet emission reduction targets. Under Cap & Trade, the EPA will determine arbitrary CO2 standards that could affect every manufacturing company in country. Is it a stretch to think that Fannie and CCX will come to a licensing deal of some sort on this technology – or is the deal already in place?

There are concerns on Capitol Hill. Rep. Chaffetz (R-UT) and Rep. Issa (R-CA) have been asking a lot of questions saying, “ We are troubled by evidence that, while Fannie Mae was funding hundreds of billions of dollars in risky mortgages that were a primary cause of the financial crisis, it was simultaneously pursuing a patent to capitalize on the potential of legislative efforts that would have the effect of increasing costs to millions of Americans.”

Rep. Issa also said, “Fannie Mae appears to have served as a full-blown liberal think tank for crony-capitalist ideas. While the crony-capitalist Democrats who ran Fannie Mae like Franklin Raines and Jim Johnson used these kinds of ideas to enrich themselves, it was the American taxpayers who were left holding the bag after they failed. It’s disturbing that Fannie Mae executives were positioning themselves in 2005 for financial gain from an Obama Administration cap-and-trade system, but given the huge amount of campaign contributions Fannie Mae poured over President Obama it should be no surprise.”

And then there’s Goldman Sachs who owns ten percent of the CCX and its 10 Trillion a year potential. More on them later.

Additional players who we will cover in part 2 of this story: Goldman Sachs, Maurice Strong, Dr. Richard Sandor and Joel Rogers.

So the Chicago Climate Exchange will become the next NASDAQ. They will trade in the greatest derivative ever conceived – an immeasurable unit of gas. Or as I have heard it said, puffs of air! A $10 trillion market of nothing but trading certificates!

Theoretically, the system would be adopted worldwide and the total global cap would be designed to reduce global warming. This sounds great right? But wait it turns out that global warming might not even be real. This is not about saving the Earth. There’s a lot of money and power riding on climate legislation.

Cap & Trade will be just another tax and financial burden on the citizens of the U.S. It is an international wealth shifting program designed to weaken the U.S. economy, make elite richer and secure their power for years to come. Remember these are the same people that said:

“Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” – Maurice Strong, a primary power behind UN Agenda 21, architect of the Kyoto Protocol and CCX Board Member.

“I believe it is appropriate to have an over-representation of factual presentations on how dangerous it is, as a predicate for opening up the audience to listen to what the solutions are, and how hopeful it is that we are going to solve this crisis.” and…

“Adopting a central organizing principle means embarking on an all-out effort to use every policy and program, every law and institution, to halt the destruction of the environment.” – Al Gore, founder of GIM and major investor in CCX

Wake up, America! Something is very wrong with this picture. Write your representatives and tell them we are not interested in Cap & Trade or subsidizing the cost of switching to alternative energy systems on an artificial schedule. We can be good stewards of the earth without destroying our country or making the elite richer. Through American innovation we will continue to move toward cleaner energy and more thoughtful environmental policies but not at the expense of our own economic security or personal liberties. This is a scam! This is redistribution of wealth and an elite power grab. More to come…

Restore the Republic, Reject the Agenda of the Progressive Left!

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction” – Ronald Reagan

You say you want a revolution…

Is this what we have come to? This is America. Legal immigrants are welcome here. This is not about legal immigration – it is about people who are breaking the law and then demanding rights. It is time to stop the madness and enforce our laws. American citizens who opposed the Healthcare Reform bill endured media scrutiny and harsh criticism for exercising their right to free speech. However, now the media is cheerleading the bad behavior of both the left and illegal immigrants because they agreewith them. This must stop now. Enforce the federal immigration laws and secure the border. This type of behavior is offensive to law abiding, tax paying citizens.