Daily Archives: June 5, 2010

A Prophecy from the Past?

“…had they not at the urging of the President, assented to the dissolution of the courts of appeal, including the Supreme Court? Sections of the press had only too delightedly danced in the wake of the debased Government, shouting that the “enemies of the people” constituted all politicians and private citizens who exposed Communists in Washington bureaus and the great labor unions. Other enemies according to the White House and its subservient press, had been newspaper men who had denounced the growing power of the military and men and women who had testified in court as to Communist activities in public means of communications. (Still other “traitors” belonged to the American Legion, for the Legion had been to vigorous in its condemnations of all radicals, Communists, “progressives” and other nondescript bleeding-hearts and do-gooders with a grudge against prideful and self-respecting men. The Legion had been outlawed.)

…American Communists had received preferred treatment in both public and private employment…. They continued to work strenuously and anonymously in the Cabinet, itself, and had directed foreign policy. They had raised their voices only when they had denounced “reactionaries,” that is, men and women who were desperately concerned over the growing influence of Communism in every phase of American life. No honorable citizen had been immune from their attacks, which took the form of persecution by various bureaus, including the Bureau of Internal Revenue and local police departments. At the end, these infamous creatures had turned against their milky friends, the so-called “liberals,” when the latter had awakened to the nightmare which had invaded their nebulous reality.

It had been piteous enough when the “liberals” had finally understood what they had been enthusiastically supporting for several decades in the name of Socialism or “social justice.” When fully confronted by the monster they had helped to bring into being, they had been aghast, and had attempted a pathetic revolt. They had cried a feeble warning to the people. But the warning had come too late, not only for the people, but for themselves. The full fury of the monster had been turned against them and they had died by the thousands…” – Taylor Caldwell, The Devil’s Advocate (1952)

If you read the passage above again and substitute a few words ( mainstream media for subservient press, conservative talk show hosts for newspaper men, Tea Party for American Legion) and it starts to sound eerily familiar.

Today’s blog is a book review of sorts of Taylor Caldwell’s 1952 novel The Devil’s Advocate. This book is a must read for everyone who cares about what is happening to America.  This classic novel is a story about a future America which has descended into a government that has become a cross between a communist state and a dictatorship. While the primary storyline is about the fight to restore the republic and regain freedom the book contains numerous background passages that tell how America’s demise was engineered. What is frightening is that many of these passages align with the current events of today and recent years.

While some might try to draw comparisons to Orwell’s “1984” the difference is that Caldwell makes a direct connection to the early history of the “American progressive movement,” the deceptive seduction of “progressivism” and the loss of freedom that follows. The story’s subplot is about how the American people slowly trade freedom, liberty and dignity for the promise of “personal security” provided by an enormous federal government and corrupt labor unions. In her novel, Caldwell shrewdly points to events which leads to the country’s descent into a socialist dictatorship which include the abrogation of the Constitution, indoctrination of the young through the education system, the rewriting of history, the abolition of state’s rights, the use of national emergencies to create additional government power and the destruction of religion. She also describes the intentional creation of class warfare as a means to divide and conquer the citizens.

In another passage from the book, the speaker scolds the citizens about their roles in their own eventual enslavement by the government…

“But you, my people, were not guiltless, not guiltless in your own ruin. Freedom, once so imbedded in the hearts of all Americans, was surrendered by Americans who believed the sinister men who were determined to enslave them. It was to be for a limited time only, we were assured. But tyrants never relinquish the powers they have gained; they incorporate them in perpetual law. It was done so quietly, so skillfully. A nation will fight when its full liberty is threatened, and the full plot exposed. But if liberties are subdued, little by little, no provocation for a nationwide revolt is given. Like thieves in the night, who move stealthily and without sound, so did evil men move in your former free government, robbing away the heart and the body of your liberty, denuding your homes of its treasures, slowly stifling your tongues, imperceptibly silencing your press. They invaded the schoolrooms of your children, poisoning and debasing their minds, twisting them to their purposes so that future generations would not know of honor and pride and the might of free men.”

The themes of this book are powerful, timely and frightening. In the book the world has become an unrecognizable place. It is a world that is now controlled by the far left while a small group of patriots work to reinvigorate the down trodden citizens to restore the republic and American values. Using themes of social justice, political correctness, unity, duty and sacrifice the government has enslaved the citizens, making them a nationalized workforce and reducing all to a standard of living that breaks their spirit.

Wake up, America! We are at a major cross road in our history. Our current federal government is in expansion mode. They want control of everything and they will use all the tools at their disposal to gain it. We are witnessing an era of American politics unlike any other. The backroom deals to pass legislation, the arm twisting by the administration, the use of regulatory agencies to move forward agenda items when legislation fails, the coddling of labor unions, the open discussion of redistribution of wealth, the ignoring/belittling of the Constitution, the continued assault on the role of God in society and the demonizing of capitalism/free market economics… the list goes on and on, but never before have these happened in such quantity in so overt a manner.

It is time for those who believe that the America, that once represented a “shining light” to the world, should return to its former glory, to get involved and help lead the return. You can do this by using your voice and your vote to take responsibility for your country … it is your civic responsibility.

As the book warns:

“ While you still had a measure of liberty and could vote vile tyrants and corrupt men out office, you listened, instead, to the promises of those men, and you voted honorable and decent men out of office.”


“On the day when you again allow abominable men to confiscate your freedom, your money, your lives, your private property, your manhood and your sacred honor, in the name of “security’ or “national emergency’ you will die, and never again shall you be free. If plotters again destroy your Republic, they will do it by your greedy and ignorant assent, by your disregard of your neighbors’ rights, by your apathy and your stupidity.

We were brought to the brink of universal death and darkness because we had become that most contemptible of people — an angerless one. Keep alive and vivid all your righteous anger against traitors, against those who would abrogate your Constitution…”

Restore the Republic, Defend the Constitution! Reject the Agenda of the Progressive Left!

“The time is near at hand which must determine whether Americans are to be free men or slaves” – George Washington

“The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground” – Thomas Jefferson

“Arbitrary power is most easily established on the ruins of liberty abused to licentiousness” – George Washington

Writer’s note:

Every American who is concerned about the direction of our country should read this book. The book reviews of the time said:

“If you are sure dictatorship can’t happen here – read this terrifying novel of the not so distant future … and be warned!” – Saturday Review

“… a novel to be thoughtfully read by Americans of all shades of political conviction.” – New York Herald Tribune

This book is out of print but is available, used on Amazon and other book sites on line.