Daily Archives: December 13, 2009

Obama’s approval sinks to record low

Obama’s approval sinks to record low

According to today’s the Rasmussen Report daily Presidential Tracking Poll indicates 42% Strongly Disapprove of the way Barack Obama is performing as President. Only 23% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of his performance resulting in a Presidential Approval Index rating of -19, the lowest of his presidency. This is the second straight day that his approval rating has fallen to a new low.

The report also says, “The 23% who Strongly Approve matches the lowest level of enthusiasm yet recorded. Just 41% of Democrats Strongly Approve while 69% of Republicans Strongly Disapprove. Among voters not affiliated with either major party, 21% Strongly Approve and 49% Strongly Disapprove. ….Among those who consider the economy to be the most important issue, just 26% Strongly Approve of the President’s performance while 39% Strongly Disapprove. Among those who consider fiscal policy issues the most important, just 1% Strongly Approve and 81% Strongly Disapprove”.

Part of the problem clearly stems from what appears to be a total lack of concern for what voters want, in other words an unwillingness listen to the people. Here are some examples:

Healthcare Reform: A recent Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey indicates that 51% of those surveyed oppose the plan. 40% Strongly Oppose the plan, while just 23% Strongly favor it, a negative index of -17. This has resulted in the lowest level of support for the President’s plan to date at just 41%.

“This suggests that public opinion about the health care plan is hardening,” says Scott Rasmussen, president of Rasmussen Reports. “Despite the fact that most American believe our health care system needs major changes, most are opposed to what Congress is currently doing about it.”

Yet, Congress and the President continue to attempt to ram health care legislation through despite clear and consistent public opposition. While 72% of Democrats favor the plan, while 83% of Republicans and 62% of independents oppose it.

Also 66% of Americans believe that an increase free market in competition for healthcare will provide a better outcome than government regulation. Additionally, 57% believe the cost of healthcare will increase under a government plan and 54% believe the quality will go down.

Other Issues: Americans are split 43% to 43% on the issue of global warming. However, only 22% of Americans consider the UN/IPCC to be a reliable source of information on global warming. 49% disagree, saying the UN is unreliable on the topic and even question their motivations. A large number 29%, remain unsure.

In the meantime, at the UN summit in Copenhagen, Denmark next week the administration plans to advance a proposed international treaty on global warming. Obama has publicly committed the United States to a 17 % decrease in emissions by 2020. If Congress approves of this, critics say such a cut would seriously damage the U.S. economy.

While 47% of those surveyed believe that global warming is mostly the result of cyclical weather cycles, not human activity. Meanwhile the administration, Vice President Al Gore and other climate change activists believe humans are responsible.

U.S. voters (44%) see a conflict between fixing the economy and environmental protection initiatives, 31% disagree. Americans strongly believe congress and the administration must focus on the economy and job creation. 71% say the majority of Congress’ time should be spent on stimulating the economy to create jobs. This is being driven by 29% of companies reporting that their employers are continuing to lay people off.

All of this has led to recent surveys indicating that 71% of Americans are angry at the way the federal government is performing as a whole.

Americans are clearly starting to wake up, now the question is what are they going to do about it.

Restore America, Reject the Agenda of the Socialist Left!

Copenhagen Update: Redistribution of Wealth and the Human Enterprise

Today’s blog is by guest blogger, Q.W. Johannes; a wise American who has witnessed 80 years of American growth, change and evolution from the Great Depression to the election of Obama. 

The  AP reports “in just 15 years , the annual conferences reviewing the 1992 U.N. climate treaty have grown into  assemblies that, perhaps more than any other, encompass the human enterprise.”  That  is  probably true but in  a  different context than what the writer intended. 

Unfortunately, the “human enterprise” at work in the U.N. has nothing to do with climate change and everything to do with redistribution of wealth  and global governance!  The “human enterprise” is  being directed by  various corrupt government officials in league with unscrupulous global business  leaders , central bankers  and  billionaire manipulators like George Soros. 

The Copenhagen conference regales attendees with fear mongering videos showing  child’s nightmare  of climate change disasters or one with  polar bears falling from the sky and smashing to the pavement below.  Is this a serious presentation of scientific fact or just another pack of lies to strike fear in the hearts of the uninformed masses?  Does anyone still believe the factually flawed Al Gore ? As the  AP  and the rest  of the mainstream media studiously ignore the recent revelations concerning falsified data from the  U.N.’s  scientific advisory panel, the charlatans  press on  with their  fraudulent scam. 

Meanwhile, here at home,  the EPA conveniently announces that  CO 2 is harmful to the health of human beings, you know, the same CO 2 which is a natural by-product of breathing. The EPA announcement is made coincidently as the Copenhagen conference is about to begin. 

The EPA is making these costly regulations without the support of factual scientific data or regard for the economic consequences to America. Instead they are trying to “nudge” as Cass Sunstein likes to say, the legislative process along to force their real agenda.  We need congress to do their job and write appropriate legislation rather than allow the EPA to regulate without oversight. This administration is hijacking the legislative process so they can manipulate the law to drive their agenda.  

So, if the public doesn’t want a treaty that will end our sovereignty, and doesn’t want Cap & Trade, it’s time for action. You must start tracking the votes of your elected officials and holding them accountable for their decisions. If we can make it to November 2010 without the current congress and administration destroying the country or the economy we can vote to throw the irresponsible ones (bums) out. Of course, that would leave us with an almost empty House and Senate. However the good news is it will also provide us an opportunity to start over with legislators who want to do the job they were elected to do starting with defending the country and the constitution. It almost sounds revolutionary!