Tag Archives: Green Movement

Indoctrination of a Nation

University of Minnesota calls for ideological purity for teachers

When did ideological purity become a prerequisite to attaining a teaching degree? The University of Minnesota wants to cleanse the Minnesota education system of cultural biases. Therefore, it will expect its’ education graduates to confess to their own bigotry if they believe in the American dream of equal opportunity.

These are the conclusions of the Race, Culture, Class and Gender Task Group at the U’s College of Education and Human Development. Specifically the task force says that future teachers must dismiss the idea of “the American Dream” in order to obtain their teaching licensure required by the state.

The task force proposes making race, class and gender politics the “overarching framework” for all teaching courses at the university. In January, planners will review the recommendations and decide how to proceed.

The first step toward “cultural competence,” says the task group, is for future teachers to recognize — and confess — their own bigotry”. This will be achieved through exercises designed to allow prospective teachers to describe their own prejudices, stereotypes and take a “cultural intelligence” assessment. The assessment is designed to help them identify their own racism, classism and other cultural assumptions.

According to the task force the objective is to ensure that “future teachers will be able to discuss their own histories and current thinking drawing on notions of white privilege, hegemonic masculinity, heteronormativity, and internalized oppression.” These teachers will be required to champion social justice, “to explain how institutional racism works in schools” and acknowledge the flaws in the American Dream. They also recommend requiring “our future teachers” to “articulate a sophisticated and nuanced critical analysis” of this view of the American promise.

This is liberal indoctrination and manipulation for adults. It is also further proof that in the ranks of higher education there is a concerted effort to drive a social re-engineering of our country.

Indoctrination and manipulation is for kids too! Meet the Earth Scouts….

After watching “The Story of Stuff” (http://wp.me/pv8jP-9r) you’ll feel really bad if you are only 7 or 8 years old. But maybe you would feel better if you could help fix the broken planet you live on… I know you could join the Earth Scouts!

That’s right – The Earth Scouts. I know, I know – who the hell are the Earth Scouts?

From their website:

“Earth Scouts is an inclusive, co-educational scouting program, in which facilitators provide a cooperative learning environment for future community leaders and change agents seeking sustainability, equity and nonviolence. Earth Scouts are the parents, teachers, mentors and youth who come together to engage in a shared learning experience that teaches and supports understanding and action on community issues in ways that are congruent with the Earth Charter. Earth Scouts is a program of Earth Charter U.S.”

“…Earth Scouts is more than a scouting program. It is a group experience in which each child or youth:

Finds his/her voice for leadership;

Understands the complexity of sustainability—that it involves social and economic equity, environmental soundness, nonviolence and peace;

Takes the responsibility to transform her/his concerns into action either as an individual or as a group.

“… Earth Scouts is a way of life and a way of perceiving the world that is connected to the Earth Charter, a larger shared global vision for a caring, sustainable and peaceful world.”

“The Earth Charter, is a set of values and principles for a sustainable future written by thousands of people in 78 countries over the course of ten years. It was launched at The Hague Peace Palace in 2000.

The sixteen Earth Charter principles focus on respect for nature, economic justice, universal human rights, and a culture of peace. The Earth Charter has been used as a foundation for businesses, governments, and communities working towards building a just, sustainable, and peaceful society.

It is based on 50 UN Declarations, 200 agreements of non-governmental organizations, the perspectives of contemporary science and cosmology, the wisdom of world religions and ancient and current sustainable ways of living and working.”

“Earth Scouts nurtures the development of children and youth in learning and participatory actions to improve their neighborhoods and communities. A large body of research validates the importance of community service activities in the positive psychological, social and intellectual growth of youthful participants. Short-term outcomes include improved grades and attendance at school, increased personal efficacy, recognition of the importance of participating in the political system, and socially responsible, community-oriented attitudes. Long-term outcomes include increased likelihood of voting in adulthood, commitment to future service, decreased likelihood of dropping out of school, improved transition from school to work, and a strong intrinsic work motivation. In short, research shows that giving children and youth opportunities to become engaged in civic activities increases the likelihood that they will become healthy, active citizens.”

“ECUS’s mission is to mainstream the Earth Charter’s vision and principles through inspiration, education and initiatives that include the Earth Charter Community Alliance, an informal network of Earth Charter organizers around the country; global annual Earth Charter Community Summits; and Earth Scouts. Other projects in development include the Sustainable Business Coalition, an Earth Charter Curricula for Education, the development of Earth Charter Community Indicators, an Earth Charter Leadership Academy and the League of Earth Charter Voters.”

Boy, I am so bummed they didn’t have this when I was a kid – NOT! If you read this crap closely you will see this another major indoctrination effort of the green movement to politically manipulate our kids. Sorry to be so cynical but does this sound like fun to anyone? There is nothing wrong with educating kids about the environment. When I was a kid, I was a Boy Scout. It was fun and educational. Almost every rank and many merit badges included some form of conservation project. We learned about nature, conservation, astronomy, biology and having fun; but nobody was cramming a political agenda down our throats.

Pay attention to the words from their website; here are just a handful that are very telling: sustainability, personal efficacy, environmental soundness, social and economic equity all of these sound noble on the surface but when you factor in – “It is based on 50 UN Declarations, 200 agreements of non-governmental organizations, the perspectives of contemporary science and cosmology, the wisdom of world religions and ancient and current sustainable ways of living and working.” it begins to sound more like another scheme to indoctrinate the youth and convert them into “environmental community organizers”. Also it is hard to overlook that a stated objective is “recognition of the importance of participating in the political system.” In any normal youth program an enhanced sense of citizenship and its’ value is a desired outcome. However that is not the same as saying, “increased likelihood of voting in adulthood” is a stated goal. Or that Earth Scouts is a way of life and a way of perceiving the world that is connected to the Earth Charter, a larger shared global vision for a caring, sustainable and peaceful world.

Let’s be honest – we all want a cleaner, healthier, more peaceful world but the path to that goal is not through youth political movements designed to indoctrinate but disguised as scouting.

From the website it is difficult to tell who is funding this worldwide program but I sure would like to know. I have a few suspects but I’ll keep them to myself until I have proof.

Wake up America! We are surrounded and now they are after our kids!

“This is one of those issues that you just can’t put down, … It is a fantastic read, and will leave you with no doubt whatsoever that America’s colleges today have become radical indoctrination centers ? and your kids are the target.” – Joseph Farah

Restore the Republic, Reject the Socialist Agenda!